羊教授踩猪屎惊魂未定,听到如此的感叹,立刻被伟大祖国源远流长的文化底蕴感动的热泪盈眶。可是他久违了这种伟大的文化气氛,一时难以全面理解,马上轻声叫秘书翻译兼资料整理人兼将来的配偶,“Miss,wang, would you please tell me in English what the man said just now?”
王小姐何等聪明,别说一分钱,一毛钱都能理解的晶莹剔透!马上接过去翻译到:“Heroes can do nothing without money, even lack of one cent!”
“But I paid enough!”羊教授大惑不解。
“There is no enough in money. darling. You paid enough, but they didn’t get enough, the more you pay, the more they need.”