“Please,let’s ring again, she can’t wait here forever, the pain will kill her…”(拜托,打电话吧,她不能一直这样等,这疼就足以杀了她!)
“Give it another 5 minutes…give it another 5 minutes“澳洲男人揶揄着,不知道是对自己还是对我。
嘿,哥们儿,事实比你描述的紧急多了!娘的!夸张一点会死啊?!我真想对他狂喊,“for God’s sake, it is much more urgent than you sound!告诉他们她可能会因疼痛而随时晕倒!!!”我知道,如果此刻换做我在电话上,一定是对那头狂喊,弄不好声泪俱下了。
可是,我知道我不能让那澳洲人知道我的心思,对他们来说,这是极大的insulting。我悄悄探寻Mich的意见“look, forget about your dignity, your arm is more important than anything else. Let me know if you want me to ring the Emergency!” (忘记你见鬼的体面吧,你的手臂比啥都重要,如果你想让我呼急救中心,请你告诉我!)
“No!Mich,you’ve got to complain! Crying babies get fed。。。” (你必须投诉,不哭的孩子没奶喝!)
“No, I won’t. The hospital must prioritise things. There must be patients who are in much worse condition than me; they must have life-saving cases. I won't make fuss when they need to save others life” (不,我不会的。医院知道轻重缓急的。一定是有更紧急的病人,生命垂危的病人需要他们救助。我不会让我自己成为他们救人性命的负担)