回复[1]: 看过类似的报道。 自带板凳 (2009-05-01 14:06) | 这问题太大了。
这也是民族反抗的原因之一。 |
回复[2]: 东京博士 (2009-05-01 14:28) | 一个日本同事,几年前一家去中国旅游前,还特意告诉我是去丝绸之路,还要看看火焰山(受孙悟空的传说影响),回日本时给大家发了点吐鲁番葡萄干(还好我没吃,因为我多年前亲眼见过南京东路20路电车站前一个新疆女人打翻了一大筐葡萄干,然后手忙脚乱地全都捧回箩筐内),我今天告诉了他这个消息,他在电话里没声音了。
期待下面有人回帖跳出来说:“日本也不安全” |
回复[3]: 这是日本专家的推算 科长 (2009-05-01 14:58) | 完全没有考虑到伟大的中国人民的顽强抵抗力和战天斗地的革命意志等等等等精神因素 |
回复[4]: 这些数据怎么来的?? 食蟹猴 (2009-05-01 15:07) | 就是国内的一般科学家也难以获得。军方肯定是严密隐瞒。
回复[5]: 王者非王 (2009-05-01 15:23) | 数据来源不明。可靠否?
十大最骇人军用实验 训练士兵具动物超强能力(组图)


当美国空军想发现飞行员高空跳伞时如何能幸存下来,他们就让约瑟夫·凯庭格机长来做实验。在20世纪50年代,作为“细刨花(Excelsior)项目”的领头人物,凯庭格机长曾进行了几次高空跳伞实验。每一次乘坐高空“细刨花”气球上升到成千上万米的高空中,之后自由落体跳下,展开降落伞,降落在美国新墨西哥州的沙漠地上。凯庭格机长第三次跳伞于1960年8月16日进行,创下了近32公里长的创纪录飞行。之后,他以高达 982公里每小时的速度自由落体跳下,离1218公里每小时的音速差不多远,经受了零下70摄氏度的低温。
如大麻、摇头丸和五氯酚这样的致幻药物不只是拥有街头黑市行情,研究人员也曾希望这类药物能成为化学武器,让敌军丧失作战能力。在 1955-1972年间,美军志愿者自愿携带锅、酸和粉未在马里兰州艾德伍德的一家工厂研制药物,虽然这些药物被证实太柔和,充当化学武器作用不大,但美军最终研制出了能引起幻觉的大炮,能将粉未的二苯羟乙酸-奎宁环酯散开。此药物能让测试者昏昏欲睡多天。美国国家科学院在1981年进行了一项实验,发现此测试药物没有后遗症。詹姆士·克特其姆博士将首批研究情况写在他2007年出版的《化学武器:几乎被遗忘的秘密》一书中。
生化武器的威胁促使美国国防部在1963年到20世纪70年代初开始启动“112项目”,其中部分工作是对不同船只和数百名海员喷射如沙林和 VX毒剂等神经毒气,以测试净化规程和安全措施的效果。美国五角大楼在2002年透露了“船只危险与防御项目(SHAD)”的具体细节,于是,美国政府部门开始研究参与“船只危险与防御项目”的海员的健康状况。这只是美军进行的许多化学战中的一个,在二战期间还有许多志愿者过芥子气。
睡觉是士兵最坏的敌人,整日打仗或执行绕地球飞行半圈的长久任务,都需要士兵连续作战。但不同兵种通过服用药丸或兴奋剂如安非他明,作战能力已经有了很大的提升。最近,美军已经测试和部署了兴奋剂莫达非尼的服用工作,能让士兵连续保持40小时清醒,且无毒副作用。美国国防部高级研究计划局 (DARPA)正在投入资金用于特别不同寻常的抗睡眠的研究中,如跨颅磁刺激,即用电磁力来刺激大脑。
1、 训练士兵只有动物超强能力
回复[6]: 东京博士 (2009-05-01 17:58) | 个人认为,危机管理问题,宁可信其有,不可信其无,尤其是作为信息不透明国家的百姓。反过来说,其他持粉饰太平或麻痹论者,比高田教授的言论更不具有丝毫论据。 |
回复[7]: 大汉临离 (2009-05-01 18:06) |
看了这个地图,居然没有人抗议? |
回复[8]: 张三 (2009-05-01 20:53) | 谁绍介一下这个高田学术上怎么样啊 |
回复[9]: 这事儿跟学术水平有关系吗? 自带板凳 (2009-05-01 23:43) | |
回复[10]: 张三 (2009-05-02 02:14) | 这是通过计算机模型计算得出的结论,他的学术水平直接关系到这个模型的可靠程度,怎么没关系? |
回复[11]: 这点上很同意猴子和张三的帖子 二子 (2009-05-02 07:47) | 没有数据来源,没有理论根据。这些SB结论基本上就是YY。而且是很低档次的YY。
这个报道和新浪网上的那些不着边际的科普报道一模一样,如出一辙。就是用来蒙蒙不会独立思考的同学们的。 |
回复[12]: 这类事儿你爱信不信。 自带板凳 (2009-05-02 09:25) | 三年间饿死3000万人。我信。而且这事儿没人证明。
回复[13]: 张三 (2009-05-02 10:20) | 2000万——4000万人祸的数字,是Penny Kane、Jasper Becker、A.J.Coale、李成瑞、蒋正华、李南、金辉、曹树基…… 等多位中外专业学者,用不同文方法和论据,刊登在学术刊物、学术著作上的学术研究成果;这里还不算新华社高级记者杨继绳根据中共档案和多年采访资料写成的力作《墓碑》;
于此同时,从未听说有哪怕一个人,在学术刊物、学术著作上,用无论深浅的学问证明过,“没有人祸,都是自然灾害导致了饿死人”。 |
回复[14]: 那只是你没见过而已! 自带板凳 (2009-05-02 10:21) | |
回复[15]: 嗯可能确实只是因为我孤陋寡闻 张三 (2009-05-02 10:26) | 没关系的,你指出来吧。注意可别把网文也算学术哦:) |
回复[16]: 东京博士 (2009-05-02 10:29) | 网文与学术究竟是什么关系?现在这样的信息时代,不会是把学术论文发布(或转摘)在网上就不成为学术论文了吧?
为了避抬杠之嫌,干脆说透点,网文不一定是学术论文,但学术论文可以成为网文。 |
回复[17]: 对不起 自带板凳 (2009-05-02 10:34) | 我无法用科学实验的方法来证明我曾经看到过那样一篇论文。
因此,你可以不相信那一篇论文曾经出现过。 |
回复[18]: 黑白子 (2009-05-02 10:56) | 板凳也够神经的了,快成祥林哥啦! |
回复[19]: 东京博士 (2009-05-02 11:06) | 黑白子,你这个说法,基本上接近二毛的手法了。二毛就是这么收“封口料”的。 |
回复[20]: 吴卫建 (2009-05-02 14:06) | 按7图龙爷在60年代就出国了。
我有一知人在60,70年代曾在核基地工作(从事无线电通讯),此人说,该核基地方圆几百里为沙漠无人区,他坐车数小时,通过几道岗才进入试验基地。为此,我不知上述“距离上述核爆点很近”是如何一个距离数据,但从常识上分析,为了保密一般不会让外国人进入“距离上述核爆点很近”处。 |
回复[21]: 会長 (2009-05-02 14:54) | 因为发表在产经新闻,数字要打折扣,但也不能否认完全没有。60年代前出生的人。肯定看过一步中央新闻制片厂出品的讲中国核试验成功的纪录片,片名忘了。但里面的镜头显示,在战壕里的解放军士兵没有任何防护装置,在观看爆炸后的景象。士兵们还冲出掩体欢呼,最记得一个人还滑倒在地,这些人包括那些摄影师到现在肯定不死一身潺。连笼里的实验狗都戴着猪头面具。难道毛泽东思想武装起来的士兵核尘不犯身。当时年纪不大,还未有相应知识,凭感觉已有上述想法。
从纪录片上看到的,只能说当时对人的被爆保护并不重要。 |
回复[22]: 阿板,我真伤心 二子 (2009-05-02 14:29) | 》有些事情的判断,只要凭良知就够了,而不是凭知识。
愿上帝宽恕他们,因为他们不知道自己在做什么 |
回复[23]: 算了,不跟你斗嘴了。 自带板凳 (2009-05-02 16:30) | 爱怎么说你就怎么说吧!
很抱歉让你伤心了。啊。 |
回复[24]: 所以说鲁迅先生伟大 张三 (2009-05-02 20:27) | 伟大就伟大在,他不是任何政治势力的旗手;他从一开始就清醒认识到:问题根本不在政治,而在民族;而这个民族,是没有希望的民族。 |
回复[25]: 东京博士 (2009-05-02 19:56) | 没想到张三也会抽人耳光的,还真抽到了点子上。 |
回复[26]: 张三最近说话颠三倒四,跟抽疯一样。 自带板凳 (2009-05-06 18:22) | |
回复[27]: 又可 (2009-05-09 23:13) | 英国Times报也有相关报道,说参加核试验的老战士要求国家赔偿。
From The Sunday Times
April 19, 2009
Revolt stirs among China’s nuclear ghosts
Up to 190,000 may have died as a result of China’s weapons tests: now ailing survivors want compensation
Michael Sheridan
The nuclear test grounds in the wastes of the Gobi desert have fallen silent but veterans of those lonely places are speaking out for the first time about the terrible price exacted by China’s zealous pursuit of the atomic bomb.
They talk of picking up radioactive debris with their bare hands, of sluicing down bombers that had flown through mushroom clouds, of soldiers dying before their time of strange and rare diseases, and children born with mysterious cancers.
These were the men and women of Unit 8023, a special detachment charged with conducting atomic tests at Lop Nur in Xinjiang province, a place of utter desolation and – until now – complete secrecy.
“I was a member of Unit 8023 for 23 years,” said one old soldier in an interview. “My job was to go into the blast zone to retrieve test objects and monitoring equipment after the explosion.
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“When my daughter was born she was diagnosed with a huge tumour on her spinal cord. The doctors blame nuclear fallout. She’s had two major operations and has lived a life of indescribable hardship. And all we get from the government is 130 yuan [£13] a month.”
Hardship and risk counted for little when China was determined to join the nuclear club at any cost.
Soldiers galloped on horseback towards mushroom clouds, with only gas masks for protection.
Scientists jumped for joy, waving their little red books of Maoist thought, while atomic debris boiled in the sky.
Engineers even replicated a full-scale Beijing subway station beneath the sands of the Gobi to test who might survive a Sino-Soviet armageddon.
New research suggests the Chinese nuclear tests from 1964 to 1996 claimed more lives than those of any other nation. Professor Jun Takada, a Japanese physicist, has calculated that up to 1.48m people were exposed to fallout and 190,000 of them may have died from diseases linked to radiation.
“Nuclear sands” - a mixture of dust and fission products - were blown by prevailing winds from Lop Nur towards towns and villages along the ancient Silk Road from China to the West.
The victims included Chinese, Uighur Muslims and Tibetans, who lived in these remote regions. Takada found deformed children as far away as Kazakhstan. No independent scientific study has ever been published inside China.
It is the voices of the Chinese veterans, however, that will reso-nate loudest in a nation proud of its nuclear status but ill informed about the costs. One group has boldly published letters to the state council and the central military commission - the two highest government and military bodies - demanding compensation.
“Most of us are between 50 and 70 and in bad health,” they said. “We did the most hazardous job of all, retrieving debris from the missile tests.
“We were only 10 kilometres [six miles] from the blast. We entered the zone many times with no protective suits, only goggles and gas masks. Afterwards, we just washed ourselves down with plain water.”
A woman veteran of Unit 8023 described in an interview how her hair had fallen out. She had lost weight, suffered chronic insomnia and had episodes of confusion.
“Between 1993 and 1996 the government speeded up the test programme, so I assisted at 10 underground explosions,” she said. “We had to go into the test zone to check highly radioactive instruments. Now I’m too sick to work - will the government help me?”
The price was paid by more than one generation. “My father was in Unit 8023 from 1967 to 1979, when his job was to wash down aircraft that had flown through the mushroom clouds,” said a 37-year-old man.
“I’ve been disabled by chronic immune system diseases all my life and my brother’s daughter was born with a heart defect,” he said. “Our family has spent thousands of yuan on operations over the decades. Two and three generations of our family have such illnesses - was it the nuclear tests? Does our government plan any compensation?”
In fact, the government has already responded to pressure from veterans’ groups. Last year Li Xueju, the minister of civil affairs, let slip that the state had started to pay “subsidies” to nuclear test personnel but gave no details of the amounts.
Such is the legacy of the decision by Chairman Mao Tse-tung, in 1955, to build the bomb in order to make China a great power.
Mao was driven by fear of the US and rivalry with the Soviet Union. He coveted the might that would be bestowed by nuclear weapons on a poor agricultural nation. Celebrations greeted the first test explosion on October 16, 1964.
The scientists staged a total of 46 tests around the Lop Nur site, 1,500 miles west of Beijing. Of these tests, 23 were in the atmosphere, 22 underground and one failed. They included thermonuclear blasts, neutron bombs and an atomic bomb covertly tested for Pakistan on May 26, 1990.
One device, dropped from an aircraft on November 17, 1976, was 320 times more powerful than the bomb that destroyed Hiroshima.
The last explosion in the air was in 1980, but the last underground test was not until July 29, 1996. Later that year, China signed the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty and, once again, only the sigh of the winds could be heard in the desolation of the Gobi desert.
The financial cost remains secret, but the price of the first bomb was roughly equal to more than a third of the entire state budget for 1957 – spending that went on while at least 30m Chinese peasants died of famine and the nuclear scientists themselves lived on hardship rations.
Rare was the outsider who gained a glimpse of this huge project. One was Danny Stillman, director of technical intelligence at Los Alamos, New Mexico, home of America’s nuclear weapons. He made 10 visits to secret Chinese nuclear facilities during a period of detente and information exchange from 1990 to 2001.
“Some of the videos they showed me were of PLA [People’s Liberation Army] soldiers riding on horses - with gas masks over the noses and mouths of both the horses and the soldiers - as they were riding towards the mushroom cloud of an atmospheric surface detonation,” Stillman recalled.
“It was strange because the soldiers had swords raised above their heads as they headed for the radioactive fallout. I have always wondered how many of them survived.”
Stillman was also allowed to see the lengths to which the Chinese scientists had gone to experiment with annihilation in the desert.
Like the Americans, the Chinese placed caged live animals, tanks, planes, vehicles and buildings around test sites. Such were the remains gathered by the men and women of Unit 8302.
“The surprise to me was that they also had a full-scale Beijing subway station with all supporting utilities constructed at an undefined depth directly underneath,” said Stillman.
“There were 10,000 animals and a model of a Yangtze River bridge,” recalled Wu Qian, a scientist.
Li Yi, a woman doctor, added: “Animals placed two kilometres from the blast centre were burnt to cinders and those eight kilometres away died within a few days.”
China had borrowed Soviet blueprints and spied on the West, according to The Nuclear Express, a book by Stillman and Thomas Reed, the former US air force secretary.
It explains how China then exploited its human capital to win technological parity with the US for just 4% of the effort - 45 successful test explosions against more than 1,000 American tests.
“The Chinese nuclear weapon scientists I met . . . were exceptionally brilliant,” Stillman said.
Of China’s top 10 pioneers, two were educated at Edinburgh University - Cheng Kaijia, director of the weapons laboratory, and Peng Huan-wu, designer of the first thermonuclear bomb. Six went to college in the United States, one in France and one in Germany.
For all this array of genius, no Chinese scientist has dared to publish a study of the human toll.
That taboo has been broken by Takada, a physicist at the faculty of medicine at Sapporo University, who is an adviser on radiation hazards to the government of Japan.
He developed a computer simulation model, based on fieldwork at Soviet test sites in Kazakhstan, to calculate that 1.48m people were exposed to contamination during 32 years of Chinese tests.
Takada used internationally recognised radiation dosage measurements to estimate that 190,000 have died of cancer or leukaemia. He believes 35,000 foetuses were deformed or miscarried, with cases found as far away as Makanchi, near the Kazakh border with China.
To put his findings in perspective, Takada said China’s three biggest tests alone generated 4m times more radioactivity than the Chernobyl reactor accident of 1986. He has called the clouds of fallout “an air tsunami”.
Despite the pall of silence inside China, two remarkable proofs of the damage to health have come from official Communist party documents, dated 2007 and available on provincial websites.
One is a request to the health ministry from peasants’ and workers’ delegates in Xinjiang province for a special hospital to be built to cope with large numbers of patients who were “exposed to radiation or who wandered into the test zones by mistake”.
The other records a call by a party delegate named Xingfu for compensation and a study of “the severe situation of radiation sickness” in the county of Xiaobei, outside the oasis town of Dunhuang.
Both claims were rejected. Residents of Xiaobei report an alarming number of cancer deaths and children born with cleft palates, bone deformities and scoliosis, a curvature of the spine.
Specialists at hospitals in three cities along the Silk Road all reported a disproportionate number of cancer and leukaemia cases.
“I have read the Japanese professor’s work on the internet and I think it is credible,” said one. No cancer statistics for the region are made public.
Some memories, though, remain indelible. One man in Dunhuang recalled climbing up a mountain-side to watch a great pillar of dust swirl in from the desert.
“For days we were ordered to keep our windows closed and stay inside,” recounted another middle-aged man. “For months we couldn’t eat vegetables or fruits. Then after a while they didn’t bother with that any more.”
But they did go on testing. And the truth about the toll may never be known unless, one day, a future Chinese government allows pathologists to search for the answers in the cemeteries of the Silk Road.
The dead of Dunhuang lie in a waste ground on the fringe of the desert, at the foot of great dunes where tourists ride on camels. Tombs, cairns and unmarked heaps of earth dot the boundless sands.
By local tradition, the clothes of the deceased are thrown away at their funerals. Dresses, suits and children’s garments lie half-buried by dust around the graves.
“People don’t live long around here,” said a local man who led me to the graveyard. “Fifty, 60 - then they’re gone.”
Additional reporting: Shota Ushio in Tokyo and Imogen Morizet in Washington